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Combat fire safety drill was successfully launched June 30, 2007

更新时间:2007-07-30 16:33:00点击次数:1272次

  Update :2007 -07-30 16:29:00 Hits : 95

  To effectively implement the " prevention first, combining anti-consumer ," the fire safety policy, strengthen peacetime training , improve the overall combat effectiveness of emergency , strengthen the company's fire safety management to ensure safe operation , the company security department on June 30 organizations under the company carried out a fire safety combat exercise.

  The Fire Safety combat drills , the players according to the company , " Fire Plan" requirements, with the laying of water , the scene of fighting and combat simulation and other aspects of evacuation . Activities, through co-ordination, together, seek help promptly and effectively work to show the full resolutely obey orders and command, discipline , courage and indomitable, continuous fighting style.

  Through practical exercises , all employees in enhancing safety awareness and responsibility , but also an effective test of the Emergency Plan for actual combat . Make full more familiar with the emergency rescue plan in their respective duties , tasks, mastered the emergency treatment of accidents and fire safety steps , each step of the operation are familiar with the skills to improve the processing capacity to respond to emergencies , to achieve the desired effect.


            Wu Xuefeng, vice president of corporate security in the knowledge of the company's employees on safety                              

                        Participated in the training of staff in the conduct of the spray tank with water cannons            


                                                                               Fire drills

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