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To new employees , chairman of letter

更新时间:2008-11-24 16:37:00点击次数:1313次

  Update Time :2008 -11-24 16:37:00 Hits : 74

  To new employees , chairman of letter

  All new employees and friends:

  How are you!

  The beginning of a pen , the first to pay tribute was intended. First of all, on behalf of all employees Ronde ( Long Qing ) company of new friends to join you extend a warm welcome , but also for you to become Ronde ( Long Qing ) who expressed his heartfelt congratulations . You join, to infuse fresh blood , added new vigor , I believe this is the cause of your life or even another leap !

  We are engaged in an open soon strategic energy monopoly industries , corporate venture so far, the tide of the market economy has been hard nineteen years , in recent years, national policy constraints and the trade monopoly of the haze, resulting in operating frustration, development is limited , but we did not give up , do not quit, but full of one mind , the difficulties, hard times and hard work of nineteen years , has accumulated nineteen years , ready for nineteen years , and now the State policy has been thawed, private oil development has ushered in the spring , we are actively , steady development , enterprise once again take off !

  I believe my friends have seen the new basic platform companies , also felt the accumulation of ten years of corporate culture, I hope you can quickly realize the role of conversion, rapid integration into the business, but I believe we will be here looking to achieve the ideal of life , exhibition career aspirations and spatial development platform , companies will make every effort to create such an environment for everyone and create such opportunities .

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