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Long Qing attended the National Federation of Petroleum Industry Association 200

更新时间:2009-03-23 16:38:00点击次数:1228次

  Update Time :2009 -03-23 16:38:00 Hits : 107

  Long Qing attended the National Federation of Petroleum Industry Association 2008 Annual Meeting

  National Federation of Petroleum Industry Association 2008 Conference and Fourth China Economic Development Forum on private oil at 9:00 on December 20th, 2008 was held in the majestic Beijing Great Hall , vice chairman of the National Federation of the North Song Shan , the National Federation president of the Chamber of Commerce Quhuai Ming immediate members , the famous economist , the State Department counselor Ren Yuling , General Secretary, national Energy Board Zhou Xian , deputy Director of the Foreign Trade Division of the Ministry of Commerce and Liang attended the meeting.

  The theme of this session is " to protect the safety of China's oil strategy and establish a fair and harmonious oil market ." National Federation of Petroleum Industry Association chairman Zhang Yue opening address to this Assembly , he pointed out that the current situation of China's private data petroleum enterprise development, the scale and contribution to China 's economic development , but also on the further development of private oil companies currently facing difficulties, but also on future reforms raised hopes . In his speech , the president said Zhang Yue , under the correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee , under the relevant departments NDRC , the National Energy Board , Ministry of Commerce , China's oil reform will be a further development of a just, fair and reasonable , harmony and win-win oil market will emerge .

  In the afternoon, the Beijing Jianguo Garden Hotel on the second floor meeting hall , the National Federation of Petroleum Industry Association China's private oil Fourth Economic Development Forum to continue. Composed of representatives of all participants have their different project needs groups to discuss topics and issues on their own interest. The atmosphere is very warm. We seek business opportunities in common , but also together on how to survive the economic crisis of the winter , and how to establish a fair and harmonious oil market depth and extensive exchange of views . That night, at the second floor of Beijing Jianguo Garden Hotel Grand Ballroom , the National Federation of Petroleum Industry Association 2008 Conference and Fourth Plenary China Economic Development Forum on behalf of private oil were invited to attend the dinner , this grand occasion of the General Assembly at school cheerful atmosphere of joy successful conclusion .

  Ronde oil as the sole representative of the Heilongjiang region attended the meeting .

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