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Chairman Liu column wish all the staff a happy Labor Day

更新时间:2009-04-30 16:43:00点击次数:1475次


  Hello everybody evening !

  Tomorrow is the " May Day " , a day laborer belongs to all , tonight, we gathered together to celebrate the festive season fifty-one I am very happy. Here, we feel not only the "May Day" festive atmosphere , but also appreciate our Ronde development and expansion of happiness and joy.

  From December 26, 2008 the company has restarted operations , comrades proactive, seize opportunities , overcome difficulties, unity, and achieved gratifying results ! During this period, when the oil rush to transport , from executives to ordinary employees day and night when the vehicle tanker escort ; has received oil depot staff , the hard work paid oil ; tank car fleet has all the comrades fighting day and night ; also there are services for frontline operations and quietly with the various departments and employees ; , and at the moment is not on our side , the branch leadership and petrol stations , oil depots comrades still in front-line employees to work ...... you pay touched me , you the spirit that I am proud , I'm proud of your achievements , in this, I represent Ronde ( long Qing ) oil company leadership , and on my own behalf to express my sincere gratitude to you !

  With the opening up of national oil policy , with the degree of the oil market continues to improve, our businesses, is moving into a good development environment and the stage, we Ronde who spent two decades , painstakingly build up a platform , has begun to show her strength and charm ! I believe that as long as we unite to struggle , through the tireless efforts of our people Ronde years , our tomorrow will be even better !

  Ronde , is in a thousand sails compete , Bai Ge competitive era ( leather ) contention stream of new competition in the market has begun ! Do first fine, and stronger , so steady , do big , the next step will be the development of business ideas ! We will further develop Ronde company resources, expand market share and enhance our ability to sell external and internal management capacity ; boldly those good character, passion , ambition , the ability of the young backbone , so that they help enterprise platform achieve personal dreams, do business and employees truly a win-win ; we will actively to the Yangtze River Delta , Pearl River Delta and other economically developed regions , and actively cuts to other areas other than oil , the early realization of the company out of the Longjiang achieve diversified development strategy idea !

  Comrades, the opportunity has been placed in front of us, let us stand on the opportunities and challenges of a new starting point , closely rely on the staff , united, solid work, with their industrious hands , and write a new chapter in the Ronde development and personal progress .

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