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Chairman Liu column to inspect and guide the work of all branches

更新时间:2008-08-10 16:46:00点击次数:1527次

  Update Time :2008 -08-10 16:54:00 Hits : 102

  July 18, 2009 , as to Qiqihar , Heilongjiang , Nehe all branches started to prepare oil wholesale business , the rate of Corporation chairman Liu column security department , head of human resources to inspect and guide the work of all branches , and branch head start early series of research programs , and to all branches of the problems the commission rectification .

  July Plain, flowers and leaves , full of vitality . Liu and his party a detailed examination of the various libraries, station station capacity , station appearance , and held meetings in each branch site proposed reform proposals and reasonable request, he asked that all corrective work must be quality, quantity , completion guarantee .

  Liu is also the branch head , asked in detail about each station of the oil sales, he said: the branch is about to start the wholesale business, we have been " sleeping" years of asset finally get started on the company to said it was a rare opportunity for development, the general manager of the branch , the competent authorities must change our thinking and leadership to seize the opportunity , with a new attitude to go into work , everything for the operation , all for the benefit , all for efficiency, raise wages related personnel, with the highest efficiency and best quality of the work to a new level. Insist on capable, let Ping , employment mechanism commonplace under half elimination system implementation , the establishment of a high efficiency , good quality and outstanding performance of the management team. Capacity to be completed as soon as all branches , will be paid , will be responsible for the work , and strive to create a first-class performance.

  Another hearing is to consolidate inspection results, the rate of inspection and supervision department chairman in July 29 staff again went to check the work of all branches of the implementation . By checking to see that all branches basically completed all the tasks of the previous arrangement , but there are also individual work do not in place , there is a phenomenon cope , inspection and supervision department head be punished.

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