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Critical juncture to come forward

更新时间:2010-09-09 16:56:00点击次数:1690次


  10 years on Sept. 9 around 3:00 pm , I drive with the driver , Comrade Zhao Li Chao Ha Networks comrades to work in the city , with the red flag Gongbin way through the intersection of Main Street , suddenly found parked on the roadside 103 bus , car and constantly pouring out smoke , billowing smoke rolled flames engine position to channeling , the car was empty , the fire is growing. ZHAO driver comrades say how nobody super fire , while the car parked on the roadside quickly , by virtue of his buses extremely familiar with the characteristics of the internal structure , ran three steps and two steps burning buses to take a series of swift action fire extinguisher from the car , disconnect the safety bolt, align combustion engine jet. Then have all the smoke inside the bus , can not see inside the case , the situation is very urgent , the hands of the masses of onlookers holds a sweat , as the brave young man worried about the car , the car smoke constantly from the window roared gush. At this point of time is like still the same, we all watched with bated breath inside the case , about two minutes later , the car fire was finally extinguished . Then the car ran down a body covered with white foam solution , he is our driver ZHAO Chao, saw him safely down from the car , the crowd gathered to muster applause for the brave lad sent admire the vision. He readily beat the body of foam , car disappeared into the vast traffic in ......

  There are such a good comrade proud and pride in danger comes, to come forward , regardless of personal safety , to avoid further spread of fire to protect the lives and safety of state property and passers-by . ZHAO Chao commendable bravery , he is not only proud of our company's Ronde , but also the pride of Harbin , is a good example to all of us .

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