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Chairman Liu won Heilongjiang column

更新时间:2006-04-08 16:20:00点击次数:1333次

  JERUSALEM Qiqihar September 28 power on the 27th morning 7:00 , Aceh 's 14 provincial model worker wearing a big red chest , boarded the train to go to Kazakhstan in the crowd YongCu participate in Heilongjiang Province Ninth Lamor ( supplement ) recognition awards Conference .

  Coincides with the 55th anniversary of the founding of the occasion , in recognition of the emergence of economic development in the province of outstanding figures , the provincial government decided to supplement 150 provincial model workers , Aceh has honored 14 people . They are: Qi Liang Liming Machine Tool Group Corporation workers , designers Wangshou Min Hua Group Corporation , Tie Feng District Secretary for Land and Resources Administration Order Signed - Black Construction Group Corporation Western Command deputy commander Zhang hair, Qi Xiang Xue Kun Group team foreman Xue Kun, Sun Haiying first Hospital orthopedic nurse , Long Qing Liu, chairman of oil column , the Bureau of Electricity Xuzhuan Hui Qi , Province three thermal power project manager Zhang Guojun , Longjiang Village Hua Min Zhang Huamin Township farmer statue , Lonza Damin town District patriotic village branch secretary Liu Yuying , Keshan emerging North Union Township village branch secretary Song Jingui , Kedong Lin Shin Chang盛乡安village peasant army, three rooms Angangxi district town center village farmer Chen Gui whole . National Model Worker , Municipal Public Security Branch Secretary Zhang Jinzhu Jianhua also been invited to go. All Lamor afternoon after attending the ninth meeting of Heilongjiang Province Lamor (Added ) award in recognition of the General Assembly , the National Union of Beijing to attend National Day reception , some representatives will also be invited to participate Lamor National Day ceremony activities.

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