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Sinopec Long Qing Branch leadership depth inspection guidance

更新时间:2010-05-28 16:54:00点击次数:1756次


  Update Time :2010-05-28 17:24:00 Hits: 188

  May 26, 2010, the State Xiashi Xiang, vice president of Sinopec Sales Company, North Canton Company in Golden, vice president, general manager of Jilin Yuan Decheng company, Heilongjiang Company general manager Zhang Qing Long Branch 10 people to visit. By listening to the reports, organizing seminars and on-site inspection, the Working Group on the construction of a line branch Ronde, daily management, staff, security, etc. to give a high evaluation.

  Long Qing Branch of the inspection activities very seriously, carefully planned, well-organized, implement the plan, more comprehensive display of the results of various construction branch Ronde, has been fully affirmed and praised the parties.


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