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Recently, the company successfully held its 2010 annual summary of the work and

更新时间:2010-08-01 16:55:00点击次数:1354次


  In the recently held meeting of six months , the company chairman , general manager Liu column comprehensive summary of the achievements of the first half , and on the company's current situation facing problems in depth analysis , while the second half of the work arrangements and deployment of network operations for the full year to complete construction of the target depth mobilization. Company team members , department heads and branch leaders attended the meeting.

  Liu column pointed out that the work of the steady development of the company in the first half of operations , along with the oil industry gradually the market, the company has ushered in a golden opportunity for development , both from the oil source , or business concept in PetroChina, Sinopec , CNOOC and other monopolies Group changes on both an unprecedented good momentum. We firmly grasp the "autonomous operation and win-win cooperation " business philosophy , focusing on the oil -generation storage , distribution, sale of associates and petrol stations and other market-oriented operation , to achieve complementary advantages, cooperation of the camp , revealing the company's years of savings assets advantage. Network building in an orderly way , the company's network layout position is stable Longjiang , Liaoji expand into coastal , country look to the world's strategic goal that no one can shake . In the first half set up a network of Kazakhstan Ministry , Fu Qi network portion and the outer portion of the three major networks to expand the network organization , while clearly a network of market development objectives. Various functional departments to actively cooperate with the first half , the initiative for two main services , increased inspection assessment efforts , the work running smoothly.

  Liu column pointed out that the situation facing the second half , from the outside the state policy support to private oil companies in the increase, the oil industry, the market operation in the spring has come, the three major oil monopoly to private oil companies are extending cooperation hand. Energy savings to be released capital , adequate liquidity , responsibilities and rights are implemented , institutional restructuring, adjustment of cadres to strengthen the organization and leadership from the inside . In the second half to achieve the " five unwavering ," the first work in the heart of the main stick unswervingly ; Second, the full service in the operation , thinking the network waver ; Three is no change in thinking on the idea of employing substitutions unwavering ; Fourth, under the leadership of general manager , vice president , director , branch manager responsibility system management mode waver ; five with performance , management, and the ability to speak incentive promotion mechanism moved.

  Liu column Finally , through the joint efforts of all staff , in the first half we've played a good fight , in the second half we should focus on the company's central work , emancipate the mind , changing concepts, confidence, solidarity, striving for excellence , for the full to complete various tasks this year and work hard !

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